Coming down the pipeline...!

Being the type of person that I am, I have never really thought about my future in any substantial way, shape or form. I've always known that I was going to go to college, get a job, try to make millions of dollars somehow, find a nice house, love happily ever after and so on, but I've never really bothered with the details. I always assumed that when the time came, my real desires and goal would reveal themselves to me. Luckily, with my time in high school coming to an end, I believe I have found a vague passion or two to pursue once we all head our separate ways.

Becoming a businessman / entrepreneur or just running my own business is the best idea I've come up with. Managing my own store and watching my investments grow over time just sounds fun to me; it's one of hte few jobs that I'm confident I could do while having it not feel like a job. I've partaken in a minor amount of self employment since last year and with basically no money invested, I've made a significant profit with a minimal amount of work. although I know that a real business has amuch more skewed risk-to-reward ratio, and that the road to success will be stressful and full of perils, the prospect of eventually crossing over into the black and making a profit is so alluring. I've experienced it before; I want ot feel it again on a much larger scale.

Realistically speaking however, I realize that starting a business from scratch in this economy with a low amount of real world experience is borderline suicidal. The fact that we don't know when things will improve makes it even harder to dedicate myself to this dream; taking big risks to make a big payout is one thing but throwing all my eggs in my basket is just asking to have it be thrown off a cliff. That being said, I've always had ht idea to become an engineer due in large part to m father being one. I'm not sure which branch of engineering suits me best but I've always had a fascination with math and science as well as a desire to become an important member of the community so I've designated engineering as my "safe" option.

My overall plan is ride out my life, hopefully making my parents proud while maintaining my sanity. I plan on getting a job with some engineering firm right after graduation and then after accumulating sufficient funds, I want to dabble in entrepreneurial ventures to supplement my income. If all else fails, then I suppose I'll turn to a career in stand-up comedy or teaching. You know... that doesn't sound too bad; Ill have to look into that.

Where do I see myself in 20 years? For some hilarious reason, the first thing that came to mind was me running some tiny corner store in Middle-Of-Nowhere City, Utah. However, this is supposed to be a paper about my dreams, no my nightmares so with my fingers crossed, I've loved to see myself operating a massive nationwide chain of whatever product is "booming" at the time. I'm the type that loves to enjoy a sense a freedom after a large job is finished; I envision myself living a lifestyle that will grant me that privilege - a ton of work now, a ton of fun later - because otherwise, I simply wont be living my dream.